品美食·忆故乡 |《粤菜师傅·四海同享之漠阳味道》
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Yangjiang City is locatedfacing the sea, with mountains behindThis land is blessed with and the natural ingredients arepassed down and precipitated has shaped the unique flavourFood is the best consolationFor the people faraway hometownevery dish embodies a great attachment 为更好地弘扬阳江美食文化,令海外和港澳台乡亲回忆乡情乡味,由365体育世界杯专用版_365bet体育在线下载_线上365bet注册人民政府侨务办公室指导,阳江市侨务局主办,阳江日报社承办,并邀请严朝佳、陈德平、张观允三位粤菜名厨大师献技,倾力打造《粤菜师傅·四海同享之漠阳味道》专题片,带你走进年轻而又神奇的滨海城市——阳江,让你领略舌尖上的漠阳味道,感悟一份独特的风土民情,珍藏一份醇厚的家乡记忆。
Under the guidance of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the People's Government of Guangdong Province, directed by Yangjiang Municipal Bureau of Overseas Chinese Affairs, and hosted by Yangjiang Daily, a feature film " The Cantonese Cuisine Enjoyed All Over the World—— The Flavour of Yangjiang " was created with the hope of better carrying forward Yangjiang cuisine culture and activating memories of Yangjiang flavour and the homesick of the folks residing in Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and foreign countries. Three famous Cantonese chefs, Yan Chaojia, Chen Deping, and Zhang Guanyun, were invited to exhibit their exquisite culinary skill in this film. We hope that the film will lead you step into Yangjiang, a young and magical coastal city, and have a profound understanding of the unique local customs and cherish a mellow memory of your hometown while enjoying the flavour of Yangjiang on the tip of your tongue.